Thursday 18 July 2013

Sony joins Canon in offering first-party lens rental in Singapore - Techgoondu

Having seen a number of changes lately, S'pore's property scene, has become a new facade, where Price per square feet alone will not always define that the decision was smart. Rather than simply providing generic information, the following article offers a different way of seeing this topic. Read on..

TechgoonduSony joins Canon in offering first-party lens rental in SingaporeTechgoonduSony last week unveiled its new “Lens Library” programme, following in Canon's footsteps in putting its range of camera lenses up for a short loan before purchase. Customers can rent a piece of glass from as low as S$30, and ...Sony joins Canon in offering first-party lens rental in Singapore - Techgoondu

Hope the article was informative. Below are a few more further information that I have found via the web in the links beneath.

Check out more similar sites about premas singapore rental